Lothians and Edinburgh - Primative Technology courses
Primitive Technology
The term primitive technology or ancient crafts refers to interpreting the ways in which our ancestors utilised their resources to enhance their world. As we are all too aware technology advances all the time. Only in the last 20 years it has never advanced faster. For thousands of years our ancestors used the same or similar tools to achieve a better way of life. The tools and techniques were improved on over time through practice and gaining further understanding of processes and materials. Our range of understanding of what and how things were crafted has increased hugely in the last 40 years with scientists researching these technologies and recording their findings and improving on techniques and understanding through hands on practical application. Here at Tree-ditions we would like to offer you the same opportunity to get practical hands on experience of a few of these ancient crafts. Essentials for our predecessors were tools for cutting, the most commonly known about were from flint, however other stone types were used too. These would have been used to make hunting tools such as the atlatl and dart and bow and arrow. Containers for collecting and carrying from wood, barks and grasses, making clothes from animal skins and making cordage to tie and carry.